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EK (European Kosher) is a global kosher certification agency providing kosher supervision since 2007. It was established by the Rabbinical Centre of Europe, an umbrella organization uniting more than 1,100 rabbis from all over Europe.

The agency’s headquarters is located in Brussels, Belgium. EK operates under the leadership of rabbinical oversight committees and is recognized by the Chief Rabbinate of Israel.

EK is a non-profit organization with the main goal of promoting and making kosher products accessible to consumers worldwide. As a result, we can offer services to our customers for reasonable prices.

EK is a member organization of the European Jewish Association. Through our extensive transregional rabbinical network, we are able to offer personalized solutions for different levels of kosher certification, thus adapting them to the needs of your clients.

With the EK symbol, you can rest assured that your products shall be fully compliant with the highest standards and regulations, and will be globally marketable, internationally recognized and widely accepted.

EK has a highly skilled team of professionals collaborating with world-class technical experts qualified in both chemistry and food technology. We are genuinely committed to a proactive, responsive and helpful service.

Getting kosher certification is an investment your company makes in order to increase its market reach and share. We are ready to provide full support in any way we can to help achieve your goals.

Our team offers a practical and transparent approach to kosher food certification and assists in resolving the various challenges posed by the different production environments.

EK Values

We firmly believe in the highest standards of Jewish kosher laws, professional integrity and provision of services to our customers.

The quality of EK products and services is supported by our deep level of commitment and confidence established between manufacturers, producers and consumers.